Your tutor will keep all information about the student confidential.
Your tutor will be on time for tutoring appointments.
Your tutor will maintain accurate records of tutoring sessions as expected and required.
Your tutor will give honest feedback to the student and will not insult him or her with false hope or empty flattery.
Your tutor will show respect for the student's cultural background and personal value system.
Your tutor understands that the role as a tutor is to never do the student's work for him or her. The tutor will encourage the student to develop personal responsibility and integrity.
Your tutor recognizes that he or she may not have all the answers to student's questions. In this event, the tutor will seek assistance in finding the correct information.
Your tutor will respect the student's personal dignity at all times and work to promote the student's self-esteem.
Your tutor understands that the ultimate goal is to assist the student to become an independent learner.
Your tutor understands that the relationship to the student is professional and not personal.
Foundations of learning
Built on Trust and Integrity
The Root of Honesty and Virtue Lies in Good Education ---Plutarch 46 CE